Help Pass the Second Amendment Protection Act!

State Representative Bryan Richey (R-Maryville) has introduced HB2752, the TGO Second Amendment Protection Act.

And it’s one of the most pro-gun bills in Tennessee history – and perhaps even in American history!

If passed, we know this bill would:

  • Implement the Missouri-styled “Second Amendment Preservation Act” that stops Joe Biden’s gun-control permanently by prohibiting Tennessee cops from enforcing federal gun control, and provides PENALTIES if they do!
  • Removes the default prohibition on Tennessee gun owners from carrying firearms ‘with the intent to go armed.’
  • Changes our carry statutes from a concealed handgun law to a concealed firearm law – so that lawful Tennesseans can carry any legally-owned firearm they possess for self-defense, not just handguns.
  • And more!

But to get HB2752 over the finish line, gun owners have to get the pressure WHITE HOT at the Capitol in Nashville. 

That’s why its critical that Tennessee gun owners FLOOD the inboxes of their State Rep. and State Senator urging them to support Rep. Richey’s HB2752, call for a vote on the bill and vote YES!

And after you’ve taken action, chip in whatever you can afford to give so we can mobilize the grassroots in support of this bill!