Bill Lee’s Gun Control Session

Bill Lee’s Gun Control Session

Monday, August 14th, 2023
Just days from today, the politicians will depart from every corner of Tennessee and head to Nashville to convene the governor’s “Special Session.”

Their one topic of consideration?

Bill Lee’s Red Flag Gun Confiscation.

Red Flag laws have been rejected in Iowa, Ohio, Georgia, and North Carolina by pro-gun Republican majorities in the last several years.

Heck, even Pennsylvania, the land of John Fetterman, has rejected Red Flag laws, even though Democrats control the governor’s mansion and House of Representatives.

Here’s why: ‘Red Flag’ laws destroy due process, because they allow people to have their 2nd Amendment freedoms stripped away from them by black-robed masters (aka liberal judges) without ever being charged or convicted of a crime!

And NO, giving someone the opportunity to try to prove to that same liberal judge that they were not going to commit a crime – AFTER they’ve had their Right to Keep and Bear Arms stolen from them – is NOT due process.

But that’s exactly what Governor Bill Lee and the entire Biden administration is going to try to do one week from today.

That’s why I’m asking you to jump into the fight against this debacle with both feet.

First, please fire off an email to your state representative and your state senator and tell them that there is no circumstance in which they can excuse caving to the Radical Left and voting for Bill Lee’s gun-control agenda.

As you’ll see, we’ve made it super easy for you. All you have to do is fill in your info, click submit, and you’re done.

Second, please chip in $20, $50 or $100 to TGO get the word out to thousands of other pro-gun Volunteers like yourself!

Many hands make light work, and when thousands of angry gun voters are bombarding their email inboxes and answering machines, something magic can happen:

The politicians can get the message.

Tennessee Gun Owners will be in the capitol next Monday, but what happens between now and then will play a huge part in whether we win, or whether we lose and Bill Lee and Joe Biden get their way.

So whatever amount you can afford, please be as generous as possible.

Get ready to stand and FIGHT!

For Tennessee,

Chris Dorr, Director
Tennessee Gun Owners
Categories: Uncategorized

1 Comment

  1. Greg McElrath

    Thank you so much for everything you do Chris! I’m so proud to finally have a Pro-2A organization here in Tennessee with teeth, and the bite of a Pitbull! Until now, true representation of gun owners here in Tennessee has been pitiful! We need a total house cleaning of RINO’S here in Tennessee, both in the State legislature, and also in the U.S. Congress, and we need your help to make that happen ASAP! 🇺🇸


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